Civil Information

  • Tucker Interviews Alex Jones.

    Tucker Interviews Alex Jones.

    the world’s most censored man…

  • Hillary Clinton calls for formal “MAGA Deprogramming.”

    Hillary Clinton calls for formal “MAGA Deprogramming.”

    The purpose of the Gulag, after the October Revolution, was to reforge political dissidents into supporters of the Soviet system. It began with the rhetoric to cast individuals aside as dangerous to the public at large. The only way to make deprogramming formal would be through government edict. No person that believes their views would…

  • 1600 Years Ago…

    1600 Years Ago…

    Joseph Smith translated a book that held the history of a fallen nation on this continent. Whether you believe in the Book of Mormon or not, the following is a chilling depiction of what is happening in our country right now. Ether 8:22 And whatsoever anation shall uphold such secret combinations, to get power and gain, until…

  • The God of the United States is Jesus Christ.

    The God of the United States is Jesus Christ.

    We learn again from the Book of Mormon that the God of this land, choice above all other lands, is Jesus Christ. The nations and peoples that possess it must serve him or be swept off. In particular, the Gentiles, or non-jewish descendents, in the United States must either repent and serve him or they…

  • To save the country…

    To save the country…

    After the midterm elections on Nov. 8th, no one felt the United States was the same country anymore. In PA, an internationally respected Doctor, loved by audiences everywhere, from his thousands of appearances on national television lost to a candidate who clearly suffers from the impact of a stroke, wears a hoodie to most events,…

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